Philatelic Development Council (PDC)

The PDC has responsibility for all State and National philatelic exhibitions in NSW.

Visit the Philatelic Exhibition Page

Philatelic Development Council (PDC):

Sarah Harvey - Chair
Paul Storm - Committee Member
David Collyer - Committee Member
Geoff Lewis - Committee Member

 Functions of the Philatelic Development Council: 

  • Promote and further develop organised philately.
  • Increase public awareness of stamp collecting.
  • Encourage the understanding of the art and science of philately.
  • Organising stamp exhibitions.
  • Promoting exhibiting.
  • Conducting judges training course.
  • Youth activities.
  • Display frames for hire.
  • Promotion of stamp clubs and societies.

Promoting organised Philately

  • Getting more people to be part of organised Philately.
  • Getting more volunteers from clubs and the community.

Increase awareness of Stamp Collecting

  • Items for local newspapers, magazines.
  • Specific displays at local Councils (postal History), Public Libraries (Australian Automotive Industry) Ethnic Community clubs.

Stamp Exhibitions

There are a number of levels of exhibitions:

  • State
  • National level
  • International level.

Promoting Stamp exhibitions

The PDC and Philas have been receiving monthly exhibition reports for NSW entrants. Visit our Exhibition Page with all the latest updates.

Training Courses

NSW currently has at least 15 national and international level jurors.


The current PDC has two members who have run the Sydney Youth Stamp Group.

Additionally, we have a member, Yung Benson, who is an internationally accredited Youth Class judge.

Promoting Stamp Clubs and Societies

We actively promote stamp clubs and societies through various channels, including Philas News, the Philas Facebook page, and the Philas website.